Galway Stories is an engaging contemporary collection of short fiction set in the city and county of Galway by writers who live, or have lived, in Galway. These writers include Aileen Armstrong, Celeste Augé, Kevin Barry, Edward Boyne, Ger Burke, Mary Costello, Susan Millar DuMars, Lisa Frank, Julian Gough, James Martyn Joyce, Hugo Kelly, Mike McCormack, Alan McMonagle, Geraldine Mills, Conor Montague, Jim Mullarkey Nuala Ní Chonchúir, Moyra Roddy, Olaf Tyaransen, and John Walsh
The twenty stories included in the collection take the reader on an intimate tour of Galway, the cultural heart of Ireland. From the top of Eyre Square to the prom on Salthill, from the bogside of Cashel to the stone walls of Kinvara, each of the stories explore the neighbouhoods and the people who live there. Some stories — such as Jim Mullarkey’s ‘Encounter on Buttermilk Lane’ or Olaf Tyaransen’s ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ — present a vivid portrait of the neighbourhoods using specific landmarks and detail; others — including Edward Boyne’s ‘The Sculptor’ or Nuala Ní Chonchúir’s ‘Cri de Coeur’ — convey the atmospheric spirit of the neighbourhoods and their inhabitants. The stories in the anthology offer a distinct array of content and theme, voice and style, celebrating also the diverse talent of Galway writers.
Galway Stories also includes photos and background information on each neighbourhood, as well as maps displaying the location of each story to further provide an evocative snapshot of Galway.